The most effective way to get rid of mosquitoes
and grubs is to use a mosquito repellent. Spraying chemical mosquito repellent
can effectively keep mosquitoes away from your body. Use insect killer spray on
uncovered skin surfaces and on your clothing when you're outdoors, especially
during the day. Besides, you can also use an oil-based insect killer spray for home. Wear loose,
full coverage clothing to protect you from mosquitoes when you're outdoors.
Covering your skin is a key approach to repelling mosquitoes.
Before doing anything, it is important to
make sure that the problem is indeed grubs. If you see a dead patch, use a
shovel to dig up a few frisbee-size samples of turf around the bare spot to a
depth of 2.0 inches and look for three-quarter inch-long, C-shaped white grubs.
These are most likely the larvae of European chafer if they are found in lawns
without an irrigation system. In addition, you’d better not use products
containing only lambda-cyhalothin, gamma-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin,
cyfluthrin or permethrin for any phase of grub control.
In addition to the grubs, we may also have
to deal with some adult mosquitoes in your house and yard. If you're sleeping
in a mosquito-infested area, get a mosquito net to drape around the bed or mat
so that it touches the floor on all sides. Stay indoors when mosquitoes prefer
to be outside. They tend to come out at dusk, dawn and in the dark. Only the
adult females bite, and a way to deal with them permanently is to buy mosquitoes.
An effective trap uses a combination of octenol, a similar compound to human
perspiration, and ultraviolet light. The trap attracts mosquitoes and kills
When using insect killer products, we should try to follow some tips so that the pesticide effect will be maximized to the most. Firstly, the critical issue with any grub control product is the active ingredient. Besides, you should make sure that the insecticide is thoroughly watered into the ground with at least a half inch of irrigation or rain immediately after the chemical is applied. Another point is the rate at which the insecticide is applied. The label lists the legal rate at which the product can be used.
It is said that genetics account for about
85% of our attractiveness to mosquitoes, so we mosquito magnets may have to
reconcile ourselves to our fate. In order to prevent you from boring insects,
some habits can also be helpful. For example, your food habits matter. Eating
certain foods, especially foods that are salty or high in potassium, also
increases the amount of lactic acid that you off-gas. I trust you know which
foods are salty. This will greatly help avoid mosquitoes’ bites.
Also, I want to say, after applying insect
killer spray, you’d better go out for a while for fresh air. Or you can apply best car air freshener to remove some unwanted smells left
after using. Anyway, there are many helpful tips that apply organic ingredients
that are easy to obtain at home to offer fantastic smells for your family.